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Your Summer Vacation Checklist for Healthy Teeth

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcchesterton @ 9:52 pm
Oral hygiene supplies and sun hat spread out on sand

Keeping up with your oral health during summer vacation isn’t as simple as it sounds! Even if you’re not the sort to forget to pack your toothbrush, you might be tempted to skip out on a cleaning session or two. But it’s important to keep your teeth in mind so you don’t develop dental complications while you’re trying to relax.

Don’t worry – we know you’re probably busy packing and planning. Here’s a summer vacation dental checklist to help lighten your load and keep you on track.

o  Visit Your Dentist for a Pre-Vacation Checkup

It’s a good idea to visit your dentist before you settle into summer. Not only will they clean your teeth and help you feel fresh, but they’ll also thoroughly examine your oral situation. If it looks like you might have the beginnings of a sinister condition like tooth decay or gum disease, your dentist can take care of it so dental discomfort doesn’t ruin your vacation!

o  Pack Your Toothbrush, Toothpaste, and Floss

Yes, it’s rather basic. But the basics are essential for maintaining your oral health. Many dental problems can be avoided just by brushing twice a day and flossing once per day. If you’re in need of some new equipment, we recommend a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridic toothpaste. Softer bristles are easy on your gums, while fluoride will help protect your teeth from harmful bacteria. For a floss upgrade, consider a water-flosser. They’re extremely effective and especially great for sensitive teeth.

o  Bring A Travel-Friendly Dental Emergency Kit

Accidents can happen anywhere at any time. That’s why they’re accidents! Whether you find yourself having to deal with a dental injury or oral pain from an underlying condition, it helps to have first aid supplies readily available. A dental emergency kit can store cotton balls, floss, dental wax, painkillers, and any other supplies you might need all in one place. Just don’t forget to contact an emergency dentist after you’ve done some damage control!

o  Stay Hydrated by Drinking Plenty of Water

Not energy drinks, not coffee, not tea – water! Alternatives are often too sugary to be good for your teeth, even if you drink them through a straw. We’re not saying you shouldn’t enjoy the occasional lemonade or such. But it’s easy to lose count of how many sugary drinks you’ve had on a hot day, and H2O is the only drink that will spare you from heat-stroke. It’s best to stick with water. Mixing in sugar-free electrolytes can help if you seem to be chronically dehydrated.

Maintaining your oral health during summer vacation can be tricky. Your brain might be fried from all of the chaos leading up to your grand siesta, but stick to this checklist, and you’ll be in good shape. For even more tips, you can always ask your dentist during your checkup. They’ll be able to recommend more personalized solutions for your unique habits and health.

About the Practice

Our team at Advanced Dental Concepts prioritizes patients and their oral health. We understand that summertime can be full of both rest and activity. If you need help preparing your dental needs for a trip or just want to make sure your teeth stay healthy, give our office a call at 219-926-7595. We’ll make sure you’re all set for an enjoyable summer vacation!

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