With all the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic going on at the moment, the last thing you need right now is to suddenly be saddled with a dental emergency. That’s why it’s important to watch what you eat to avoid accidentally breaking a tooth or getting a serious toothache due to a cavity. To help you avoid a visit with your emergency dentist in Chesterton, here are eight foods you should stay away from if you want to keep from having an urgent dental problem.
(more…)Advanced Dental Concepts Blog
The 8 Foods Most Likely to Cause Dental Emergencies
April 8, 2020
Stressed During COVID-19? Avoid These Bad Dental Habits
March 23, 2020
If you’re self-quarantining to prevent the spread of COVID-19 like most of the country, you may be dealing with stress or anxiety about the situation. These feelings are completely normal, but they can cause you to employ certain coping mechanisms like nail biting, constant snacking, and smoking. Keep reading to learn why these habits can actually be damaging to your smile as well as some healthy alternatives from your dentist in Chesterton.
(more…)Get a Better Smile by Breaking These 5 Habits
February 7, 2020
It’s common knowledge that regular brushing and flossing are essential when it comes to taking care of your teeth. However, keeping your smile healthy and intact takes more than just a great dental routine. In fact, you could be causing it some serious damage every day with a few unconscious behaviors. Read on as your Chesterton dentist reveals five bad habits for your oral health and what you can do to protect your smile.